Camp Fire NJ

What we offer

Camp Fire New Jersey is an innovative leader in youth development. Our mission is to provide social and emotional learning programs that empower young people to rise above their everyday challenges and become the best that they can be. For the past 36 year Camp Fire NJ has partnered with NJ School Districts to educate and empower our youth. Camp Fire NJ currently provides programs in over 751 sites, serving over 15,831 youth within and surrounding Mercer County yearly. Camp Fire NJ provides evidence-based programs that empower children and youth by teaching them social and emotional learning skills, the scaffold on which educational attainment is built.  Our programs teach coping skills and empathy, promoting healthy peer and adult relationships.  Students increase their self-confidence and learn that they have skills within them to resist bullying, make healthy life choices, and consequently demonstrate positive behavior resulting in better school attendance and better grades. Camp Fire NJ offers in-school programs, summer camps, teen leadership and family engagement programs. Curricula begin at preschool because research supports early intervention for enhanced social and emotional development, and programs continue through high school with age and developmentally appropriate techniques. Each program is structured to build upon the last, reinforcing important social-emotional skills, and introducing new strategies and knowledge as they become more relevant and age-appropriate. Camp Fire NJ consistently strives to assess the impact of its programming in order to assure that we are delivering quality services that enable children to develop their critical thinking and communication skills with peers, family and their community.  Camp Fire NJ is constantly seeking to improve our methods of program delivery, our capacity to engage families and schools, and confirm the strong anecdotal reports of the program’s impact with data-driven results.

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609 695 8410
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